
A woman recently captured a surprising video of what appears to be a shark near the shore at a beach in Cornwall. Katie Chown and her friend Clare were on a 20km coastal walk when they spotted the creature at Porthcurno Beach. Despite mistaking it for a seal or dolphin at first, they soon realized it might be a shark and started recording to get a better look at it. They observed the shark swimming away from the shore as swimmers entered the water nearby. Although they debated whether to alert others about the shark, they noticed that some beachgoers seemed to be aware of its presence. Upon analyzing the footage later, they considered that it could be a Porbeagle shark based on expert opinions.

Despite the initial excitement of the encounter, Katie and Clare continued with their walk and focused on their training for a challenging 100km journey through the Himalayas in November to support a breast cancer charity. The pair started their trek early in the morning and completed it successfully by evening.

This incident serves as a reminder to beach visitors to always be cautious and aware of their surroundings, especially when in the water. It’s essential to stay informed about marine life in the area and take necessary precautions to ensure safety while enjoying the beach. If you ever spot a shark or any other potentially dangerous creature, it’s important to alert the authorities or lifeguards to prevent any accidents or harm to yourself or others. Remember, safety should always be a top priority when spending time at the beach.