
The Weekend At The Asylum Steampunk Festival in Lincoln is a popular event that draws in Steampunk enthusiasts from around the world. However, the event organizer, John Naylor, is considering changing the venue for the 2025 festival due to a rise in hotel prices in the city. Despite the success of this year’s event, Naylor expressed concerns about businesses in the city being hostile and aggressive, focusing more on exploiting the event rather than supporting it.

Naylor mentioned that an alternative historic city has shown interest in hosting the festival, offering more affordable accommodation options compared to Lincoln. He emphasized that the Asylum was intended to be a community gathering and should not exclude anyone based on their financial status. The Steampunk community values creativity, unity, and enjoyment, and they do not want to be taken advantage of by businesses looking to profit from the event.

The White Hart Hotel, one of the establishments that raised prices, attributed the increase to a “systems error” and apologized for any inconvenience caused. They have since updated their rates and are offering a complimentary cocktail to guests who book a two-night stay for the 2025 festival weekend. Despite the hotel’s efforts to rectify the situation, Naylor and the Steampunk community remain wary of businesses that prioritize profit over supporting the event.

The potential venue change for the Weekend At The Asylum Steampunk Festival highlights the importance of community support and collaboration in hosting successful events. While Lincoln has been a traditional location for the festival, organizers are willing to explore new options that align with their values of inclusivity and creativity. The Steampunk community’s dedication to preserving the spirit of the event serves as a reminder of the power of like-minded individuals coming together to celebrate a shared passion.